Relatable to ADHD – 515 points –

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Ah, the old Everyone does this argument.

Yes, but to what extent? How severe is it? That's the important part that neither you nor this list touch on.

When you have 17 planners with 8 pages written in and constant sense of panic over a workload that is never done it's def beyond the "lol I can't pay attention sometimes too" crowd. Some people just don't know what it's actually like to be neurospicy.

For me, it's more like single pieces of paper hat I forget exist as soon as I put the pen down, to then live six months of my life in blissful ignorance of the consequences.

I'm pretty sure I have several of these six months going at any given time, and I have no clue what for.

I feel like gatekeeping stuff as a non practitioner is harmful. I know it doesn't help my guilt when I doubt my - diagnosed and medicated - ADHD because I don't have 17 planners with 8 pages filled it.
I think I had one around somewhere though I never touched....