Baut [she/her] auf.

@Baut [she/her]
9 Post – 557 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Community note: Free software is in many cases more convenient than their proprietary alternatives. Proprietary software quickly becomes very inconvenient if you dislike how it works, if you don't want to be a product, or if it has ads (like in your operating system? That's pretty inconvenient, Microsoft).

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What's the Linux desktop for the playful developer? 🤔

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I think mid translates to reliable and boring. Which is desirable for an OS.

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I really like the new logo.

The meme I stole from is pretty funny:
Alt text below Idk who made it. Alt Text:
Six habits of happy people

  • find meaning in consumerism
  • learn to laugh at suffering
  • work yourself to exhaustion
  • abandon your [redacted]
  • become insane
  • stop observing objective reality
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For others who wonder the same: the announcement is from the 19th this month and they licensed it under Apache 2.0.
This is really cool to see! I hope they are testing the waters for releasing the source engine as free software. I remember Gabe Newell stating that they would consider it if people were interested. Doesn't have to mean anything, but a woman can dream~

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Godot Engine looking sweet as heck rn

You got the joke, congratulations.

I'm very glad GNOME does such an amazing job staying modern in its look. GNU+Linux and free software would be much worse off without it.

I am gonna say the obvious: the echo dots have their own Spotify client. You could use network speakers and stream from your phone to them. I think Spotify even supports them fairly well.
The protocol is... DLNA?

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On Microsoft's current Windows versions you don't need an additional Anti-Virus anyway. Windows Defender does the same and generally is as good as or better.
Also avoids trusting more parties.

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your opinions you can have if you're on

Many computer users run a modified version of the GNU system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of GNU which is widely used today is often called “Linux,” and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the GNU system, developed by the GNU Project. There really is a Linux, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the system they use. Linux is the kernel: the program in the system that allocates the machine's resources to the other programs that you run. The kernel is an essential part of an operating system, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete operating system. Linux is normally used in combination with the GNU operating system: the whole system is basically GNU with Linux added, or GNU/Linux. All the so-called “Linux” distributions are really distributions of GNU/Linux.

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Which ironically seems to be very antisemitic to me?

I am conflicted. Is this image unhinged or hinged?

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Based Xenia suggesting browsers for an open and healthy web. Go Xenia!

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Pretty sure 9Gag and 4chan are fascist hellholes. In line with survival of the "strongest" thinking I suppose.

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I disagree. Linux is a kernel, and Android uses and develops its features to a great extent.
It's very different to GNU though, and this confusion is why calling it GNU+Linux makes sense.

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when I was twelve

maybe I am not good with text tone but no way

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The townspeople say they are roommates 😱

alt text below
alt text: Picture of a firefighter fighting a forest fire. In the lower right corner is the logo of the company "Shell", subtitled with "Hell" instead. In the middle there's a text: "At least billionaires are getting richer", but the word "billionaires" is replaced with "landlords".

I really recommend How To ADHD's two YouTube videos on this topic called "Wall of Awful". It helped understand myself better and totally made me cry.

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Ah yes, the famous tankie Karl Marx with his famous book "das Panzer"

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Actually I think they introduced a 4.99$ fee now.

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I think you kaan't say it even if :/

that 24 bit depth?

Also China is exporting a lot, meaning that the pollution from other countries is often just outsourced to it.

Nooo not my golden pumpkins

Source image:
Someone looking disinterested at their fingernails. "Me pretending that i dont care about life so i can stay sane"

I'd like to point out that thanks to Signal, WhatsApp has end-to-end encryption. So Zuckerberg likely wouldn't be able to snoop the content of that message.
Use Signal if you want a more trustworthy replacement, it's great! If you want something even better but less stable, check out
if you're a cool tech wizard use xmpp
if you're a fever dream use Briar
if you're from the future.. is secushare nice?

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Thank you Anubis

Exciting to see! Positively surprised Alpine is modular enough to make this feasible/maintainable.
Curious to see what the part about SystemD and musl at the end meant.

It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends upon his not understanding it!

Upton Sinclair

The fastest installing software in the world

Honestly fuck those Palestinians for... checks notes living at a place

Does this also apply to my lesbian name?

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I'm curious, what's the alternative? Military intervention?

It literally says "sold for profit" not "free"

I think to myself "good for them"

Apparently it is not as shrimple as that 😔

me when I speak

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