anybody wanna have a rule's night out?

Baut [she/her] to – 223 points –

Alt text: The cockroach from Kafka's book "The Metamorphosis" lying on the back on a bed with a smartphone. Beneath it says: "anybody wanna have a bit of a girl's night out I am metamorphosising"


Meta [rule]: what's up with the "Alt text" format I occasionally see with Lemmy memes? This a thing we're doing for seeing impaired or something?

Yup, it's for people using a screenreader

Kinda wish Lemmy would just natively implement the alt tag for images by offering an additional field when creating an image post. This could allow for more interesting descriptions beyond image transcriptions.

That's what annoys me too. If there were one, people with screen readers could just filter out the posts which don't have them.
Right now I don't think there are (m)any people here who actually get real use from them, since you would need to sift through so many posts before finding one with alt text.

This book ruined a week of my life just thinking about it and what it meant. Fuck you kafka, i don't even trust my family anymore.

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Source image:
the cockroach from Kafka's book "The Metamorphosis" lying on the back on a bed with a smartphone

I can highly recommend reading it, I love the way it shows that we should find people who still love us if we lose everything (shown by a negative example in the book)

That is something that makes love from others feel so fragile to me.
There's a certain point of suffering where the people who love you either don't anymore or have to leave you to not get dragged down themselves. And it can happen so fast.
I don't think anybody would say that to a person they love, but it is healthy to do so I think? And can you really blame somebody not wanting to stay with a cockroach (metaphorically speaking)?

It's a cockroach in the book but we both know that it's more than likely referring to people with extreme illnesses be it either physical, mental or both, and it's something that can happen to anyone and anytime and it's why the book fuck you up so hard mentally.

I'll never forget this was required reading in my English class when I was 14 years old freshman year in high school. I don't recall our teacher preparing us for this or explaining anything, it came out of left field and I was very confused.

This, but then in German (I'm Dutch). It added to the confusion, but at the same time it was way more enjoyable than failing another German grammar test