Do you think millennials who grew up with the early Internet and home computers will be as bad with future technology as boomers are with current technology? to Ask – 566 points –

My wife and I started talking about this after she had to help an old lady at the DMV figure out how to use her iPhone to scan a QR code. We're in our early 40s.


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My family got its first PCs in the mid-80s.

My mother was a huge part of training people how to use PCs. She would drive a night computer lab (RV with 7 PCs) to business and train all the employees in his to use them as they began adopting the technology, and as the moved on she became a leader in information technology and project automation in the engineering world.

Her long, successful career was all very technical. She was an inspiring person who adopted new technology a decade ahead of time and never feared the future.

Now she can't operate the TV remote or her cell phone without cussing about all this damn confusing technology.

Yep, I was in IT from 95 to 2013. Today's tech is much more confusing

Really? But most consumer products work so easily nowadays.

What do you mean, I can plug this USB stick in and it works without me having to turn the system off and start another boot cycle? Then when I finish, I can just unplug it and it doesn't break?

It's like magic.