Georgia school board fires teacher for reading a book to students about gender identity to – 675 points –
Georgia school board fires teacher for reading a book to students about gender identity

A Georgia school board voted along party lines Thursday to fire a teacher after officials said she improperly read a book on gender fluidity to her fifth grade class.


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This is the dumbest reason to fire a teacher. The education system is already hurting for teachers.

Ain't that what they want? No education and kids that work factories for pennies.

same people rolling back child labor laws and campaigning against unions so.... yeah. Remember when Florida decided it didn't need educated people as teachers, and instead made it so anyone who was in the military (or had been married to a military person) eligible to be a teacher?

They're all fucking morons, actively hurting everyone around them

They’re all fucking morons, actively hurting everyone around them

Stop attributing to stupidity that which is better explained by malice.

These people aren't morons; they know exactly what they're doing: deliberately trying to create an underclass to exploit.

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