Supreme Court Rebuffed Democrats’ Call for Thomas Probe With Just One Sentence to – 170 points –
Supreme Court Rebuffed Democrats’ Call for Thomas Probe With Just One Sentence

Roberts didn’t even personally address the lawmakers. Supreme Court Legal Counsel Ethan Torrey, writing on behalf of Roberts, replied instead, saying simply that, “The Chief Justice has asked me to acknowledge your letter dated June 27, 2023, and to thank you very much for bringing your concerns about these important matters to his attention.”


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Fuck this SCOTUS. No one is above the law. They need to answer for their crimes and be held accountable. No one should be guaranteed a job for life either.

No one is above the law.

Sadly, the evidence appears to suggest otherwise. Until the Democrats and Republicans in Congress get together and pass laws to enforce ethics rules on the SCOTUS, as they have with all other federal courts, then the members of SCOTUS are indeed above the law.

There are an awful lot of people in America who are above the law. We get to watch them break the law on TV, then they dare us to try to hold them accountable.

no one is above the law

Grow up or open your eyes bud, there’s a two-tiered system or justice and those in that upper tier are lost certainly above the law