Windows 11 vs Linux supported HW to – 1451 points –

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The barrier of entry is basically the same as Windows if you buy a laptop with Linux pre-installed

But someone has to install it on the laptop and put in on the store shelf. And I'd love to see that happen. It just hasn't yet. Not enough.

There are many available but unfortunately they are usually more expensive for thee same hardware

Which makes no material sense, but makes sense when you remember what a monopoly Windows has.

Well, is not super common for sure, but Dell sure sell the same laptops with Ubuntu pre installed, they're a bit cheaper too. At least in here South america they do, pretty much every single computer they sell has a Linux option from the box.

But I also can't think of any other big brands that also do that, so you have a point, Asus and Acer have some models, but they're harder to find, even online.

It's a future I wish for, but I'm not seeing it.