Parents used to warn their kids that literature would rot their brains. Then it was the radio, TV, and video games. Now it's TikTok. to – 145 points –

Socrates bemoaned those young'ns who had the audacity to read their Homer, instead of memorizing it.

Children and Radio


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Just so you know, newspapers used to be pretty terrible in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. They were ripe with exaggerations and sometimes downright lies. The issue with TikTok and social media in general is how easy it is for absolute idiots to spread lies and harmful information to children (and naïve adults).

Here's an article on the topic from the New York Public Library.

If I sold newspapers, and I heard the radio spreading the news as well, you bet your ass I'm going to slander the shit out of it.

Which is why lots of people believe the storiea abour "War of the Worlds". Because of newspaper lies.

newspapers used to be pretty terrible in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

Periodism is still terrible, not in the form of newspapers, but the internet, and it's why you usually end your searches with a 'reddit' at the end (hopefully lemmy will fully replace that soon)

Is that even unique to social media? We have "news" sites that do the same thing (like the various alt right ones). If the goal is to tackle misinformation, we should tackle misinformation directly.