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worker: Gets new job

Employer: Shockedpikachu.jpg

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Error-correction for dropped packets is also pretty shit.

The library I worked for as a teen used to process off-site reservations by writing them to a text file, which was automatically e-faxed to all locations every odd day.

If you worked at not-the-main-location, you couldn't do an off-site reservation, so on even days, you would print your list and fax it to the main site, who would re-enter it into the system.

This was 2005. And yes, it broke every month with an odd number of days.

Is that known rapist and sex trafficker Andy Tate?

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Yeah, ethnic nationalism is pretty fucking far from centre. This party was (eventually) banned for being a criminal organisation.

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This is really only a raid, Ukraine has no ability to supply troops by sea, nor the ability to even land enough troops to hold territory.

But the fact that they did this means that Russian "rear" area security is absolute shit, and they have the option to improve that (taking forces from reserves or the fromt) or suffer more rear area raids.

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Yep, they have "treason is against the rules" rule, which lists all the big countries' laws against espionage.

"It'd be easier to discuss in person" means "I don't want a record of this because it's either illegal or shows my incompetence".

Any meeting that they want to talk about in writing should ALWAYS be recorded.

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Trump narrowly averted a nuclear holocaust... by forgetting how the Football works.

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Everyone who's a conservative right now, is either:

A: completely forgotton their live before turning 25-30

B: Is a massive asshole who actively wants others to suffer for their own gain

C: Is a completely brainwashed morons who legitimately can't see the problems they're causing.

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You can absolutely have free speech, but nobody is forced to actually listen to you.

Which is good, because in the real world, every place that has "zero censorship" rapidly devolves into a Nazi invested shithole.

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"But what if you have to write a job application letter?"

Well, Ms Sullivan, you were WRONG.

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It's just as depressing when something counts as "clean". My saddest example was a former sand pit, they spent 30 years digging out 15 meters of sand, then another 30 years filling it with anything from industrial to veterinary waste, "capped" it with rubble in the late 40s and called it clean enough.

Had a bigass job digging out the top 3 meters of random waste, including several thousand of barrels of whatever the fuck. And definitely no unexploded ordnance (spoiler, after finding several ww2 rifle stocks and helmets, the first mortarshells were dug up too). After makimg room, it was covered in sand, clay, bentonite and a protective grid.

So naturally, 3 months after that finished, some cockhead decided to throw an anchor and hit go all ahead flank on his assholes boat and tore the whole thing up. No need to fix anything though, just shovel some more sand it, that'll stop the anthrax!

This was all in open connection with a major river, of course. One people swim in.

Like Spez cares about little things like "passion" and being "factually correct".

And props to his lace too. Guy has more lace on his sleeve than my grandmother has in her house.

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Its a solution looking for the right problem. Unfortunately, all the problems it can solve, have already been solved in other ways.

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losers love losers

Honestly though, they were kinda shit for most of their history. Japan didn't really become a major world player until after the late 19th century, when they realised just how far behind they were.

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I doubt it ever happened before, so whatever the policy will be, it's going to be brand new

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Some do, but they make it their main draw. The reason Kerbal Space Program is fun, is fun because you can fuck up and die in a million different ways, and not doing so is chalenging and succes is rewarding while failure is hilarious(ly frustrating).

Not fucking up and dying in Starfield means pressing the Use Healthpack frequently enough.

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Reading is far too credible. All my knowledge came to me in a dream

Well, China, if you want a few chip-makers, i know a few slightly-used ones that used to belong to an old lady and have only ever been used for shopping trips.

Whereas before that, the standard method was to walk inside, copy last year's number to this year, and make work-noises for a few hours.

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Thats significantly dumber than this manual leaking though.

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A lot can be legal if you agree to it. But they absolutely can't unilaterally declare this rule into effect.

Just don't pay, what are they gonna do? Sue you for damages that they admit themselves can't prove?

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Traditional sails are also fragile, complex, expensive and very labour intensive even with electric winches. A fully rigged ship is exceptionally complicated and knowing how to work one takes huge skill and knowledge, and that's not even mentioning what to do when something goes wrong. And of course, it's much slower as well.

123k for the Motorola, over 400k folds for the Samsung.

But the later included underwater folding, dust, and using it as cake batter.

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They said he was incapable of being deposed without perjuring himself.

"Perjury trap" is a fake term that tries to place the blame for "My client is a compulsive liar and literally can't tell the truth to save his life" on the other party. And whoever came up with the term deserves both a raise for being amazing at their job, and a knee to the groin for being a shit human being.

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Russia: "we didn't lose 49 VDV. If we did, there would be bodies, and since there are no bodies, these brave troops are still fighting for the motherland!"

Yet they passed their both their law degree and the bar exam, so they can't be THAT stupid. Somewhere there's a small group of lawyers who are either really desperate, about to retire, or they have some kind of wild idea about this making them famous. And that group is rapidly being depleted, because even they're finding out you literally can't defend a moron like Trump, while also not getting paid.

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I've lived in the US, the UK and the Netherlands, so I have a little info here.

WTF healthcare actually gets taxpayer funding in the US,

Yes, quite a lot, but not for everyone. There's a program for people over 65 (Medicare), and a program for low-income people (Medicaid). Then there are several other programs, such as Veteran's healthcare which comes from the Defence budget, and a crazy number of other programs.

and how are basic things like an ambulance or insulin insanely expensive?

Lack of collective bargaining.

Lets say I'm selling a pill that cures the deadly disease papercutitis, and I want to sell it in the US and the EU. I fill a shipping container with my pills costing me 50 bucks per pill, and I go the USA. I send my representatives to doctors and hospitals, and I find out that I can sell more than I make. So, I simply increase my prices. I end up selling my cure for 5000 bucks a pill, because people are going to die otherwise. Some people have insurance, some people have the government pay, and some people pay it privately, but they all pay.

Now, I go the UK, and take my 5000 dollar papercutitis pill, and the NHS goes "Hahaha, no. We'll pay 85 quid per pill, take it or leave it." And well, these pills cost me 50 bucks, and I make 85 quid, and there's 65 million british people, so I'll take the 85 GBP per pill. The same in the Netherlands, which had private insurance, but the insurance companies will very happily come together and with the government's backing say "Your choice, we can either buy asprin form Company X at 5 euros, OR we can a million asprins from you at 4,50, but you have to sell your papercutitis pills at 80 euros". And since I make a profer there too, I'll say yes.

So, in why is the US so expensive? Because the healthcare industry can make it so expensive. It's literally free profit (if you don't count the dead and bankrupt, but they don't).

Sicfi publisher Bean Books did this. They published free ebooks for all the older material, but kept the last/newest in a series paid.

So yeah, I bought those new books, since id gotten hooked.

And they've been gone for quite a while now.

Yeah, the suckage of, say, Germany or the Netherlands being less nice to refugees and farm animals is exactly the same as Russia and China actively committing genocide right now.

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One more piece of evidence Russia is getting it's ass kicked.

Just defederate the Meta instances, and your problem is solved, right?

It's not like saying "I wish this awesome little bar is a McDonald's" but "I don't want to go to a bar in a city that also has a McDonalds".

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That is SUCH an amazing way to put it. No grinding, no waiting for timers to run out, no traveling back and forth to savepoint, no insanely hard challenges or unlocks. Just experiencing it, and (for the most part) even failing forward.

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All 7 of them. The other 993 will upboat it for having a meme in the comment

Also, the price point determines the sort of people looking at your add