Donald Trump’s Attorneys Are in the Pants-Shitting Phase of Criminal Investigation Process: Report - Vanity Fair to politics – 185 points –
Donald Trump’s Attorneys Are in the Pants-Shitting Phase of Criminal Investigation Process: Report

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Yet they passed their both their law degree and the bar exam, so they can't be THAT stupid. Somewhere there's a small group of lawyers who are either really desperate, about to retire, or they have some kind of wild idea about this making them famous. And that group is rapidly being depleted, because even they're finding out you literally can't defend a moron like Trump, while also not getting paid.

Just because you are book smart doesn't mean you are incapable of participating in a cult like MAGA.


I said you are and you are making it a contraction?! Really?! It's the same damn thing.

hmm. dementia setting in, or maybe just time for new glasses

You could still qualify to be one of Trump's lawyers.

As they say with doctors- you know what they call someone who barely passed the bar? A lawyer.

You often find people who have advanced degrees who are good at one thing but horrible at many other things. This is most obvious if you consider the teaching quality of the average university professor. Yes they have a PhD, but it doesn't mean their classes are worthwhile, and it doesn't even mean they can write worth a damn.

This is why the humanities are so important to being a well-rounded thinker. I've known many an engineer who were mathematically brilliant but were incapable of determining who won a debate or even how to read literature with comprehension.

I remember asking a young engineer to summarize a paragraph he'd just read aloud and he just read it over again. I asked him to explain it and he started rereading it again. He literally didn't comprehend what he was reading. It was just an endless succession of words linked one after the other.

There's been a huge push for a priority in STEM fields and, I get it, it's important work with rigorous requirements and expectations. It can create dangerously overconfident and blindly ignorant people.

Remember Ben Carson? A literal brain surgeon who said the Egyptians built the pyramids for grain storage.

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