Cleaning your room [Meme] to – 327 points –

Then promptly get distracted and don't finish


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So I've checked KnowYourMeme and had Lens try to identify this man to no avail. Where does this meme come from? Who is this guy?

Also, I found that superglue I was looking for a few days ago when I got a papercut. High five!

Using Tineye I found who it is but no original image. Mauricio Macri, former president of Argentina at some celebration.

Ahhh ok. I can't find the original image now either.

Try searching for “macri pandereta”

Alright, so I tried that exactly, plus mauricio, then plus red glasses and tamborine. I have now seen pages of images of this man in everything but that outfit, more of him than I ever wanted to, this Michael-Palin-lost-a-bar-fight who kinda looks like he steals from pensioners fella (I know nothing of his politics). I feel I could spot him anywhere now.

What I do have to report is Bing and DDG actually work. Google image search was surprisingly bad real quick.

Maybe my results are location dependent? Should I spoof my location then try again?

If he scrubbed this, then he would seem to be the exception to the Streisand Effect.

Edit: Eric Idle. Wrong Pythoner.

Honestly, may be some regional restriction. I use DuckDuckGo (I’m in Spain), and I don’t get this picture. But if I use Google Images, I get a few of this same image but in Spanish. But not much. Regular search returns accounts of him in a TV program playing the tambourine, but that description doesn’t match this picture. I’m going to ask my family in Argentina if they know something.

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