Cleaning your room [Meme] to – 327 points –

Then promptly get distracted and don't finish


Cleaning almost anything turns into an adventure of bird-walk-cleaning where you can't remember what started it all or if you even finished cleaning what you set out to clean in the first place...

So I've checked KnowYourMeme and had Lens try to identify this man to no avail. Where does this meme come from? Who is this guy?

Also, I found that superglue I was looking for a few days ago when I got a papercut. High five!

Using Tineye I found who it is but no original image. Mauricio Macri, former president of Argentina at some celebration.

Ahhh ok. I can't find the original image now either.

Try searching for “macri pandereta”

Alright, so I tried that exactly, plus mauricio, then plus red glasses and tamborine. I have now seen pages of images of this man in everything but that outfit, more of him than I ever wanted to, this Michael-Palin-lost-a-bar-fight who kinda looks like he steals from pensioners fella (I know nothing of his politics). I feel I could spot him anywhere now.

What I do have to report is Bing and DDG actually work. Google image search was surprisingly bad real quick.

Maybe my results are location dependent? Should I spoof my location then try again?

If he scrubbed this, then he would seem to be the exception to the Streisand Effect.

Edit: Eric Idle. Wrong Pythoner.

Honestly, may be some regional restriction. I use DuckDuckGo (I’m in Spain), and I don’t get this picture. But if I use Google Images, I get a few of this same image but in Spanish. But not much. Regular search returns accounts of him in a TV program playing the tambourine, but that description doesn’t match this picture. I’m going to ask my family in Argentina if they know something.

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