Game ad notification on Windows... to – 912 points –

Have to use Windows for work (I've asked), the ads have been getting worse and worse on my work laptop. Today got a game ad notification... That's clearly too far, right? Like I have to clear notifications, so I have to see it


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That’s because your it department either sucks or just doesn’t have time to fix this. Windows can be made to be great for work environments, as evidenced by 80% of all workers who use a computer using a windows computer

Lol I had to install AutoHotKey just to be able to do some basic keymapping on Windows. "Can be made good" is so different than "is good"

But yes our IT team is just one dude with a degree in biology

That does not mean Windows is great in a work environment, it just means the IT department can't or won't support 2 OSs (or 3 if some of your officemates are allowed to use a Mac).

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