In His Latest Threat to Public Safety, Elon Musk Says Twitter Will Remove Option to Block Users to – 490 points –
In His Latest Threat to Public Safety, Elon Musk Says Twitter Will Remove Option to Block Users

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Ok but how is that a public safety risk?

I can imagine people feeling safer, when they are able to block someone stalking them. When you mute a user, this user still can see your profile, your posts and simply knows that you are there, active, posting. On the other hand, when you block another user, you don't exist for this user. I don't remember if a blocked user sees a "you're blocked" message or if your account vanishes completely when the blocked user is logged in.

I guess people who have the habit of harassing other people on social media often have multiple accounts. The feeling of safety when blocking such an account is certainly real but if someone really wants to stalk you he can. Instagram tries to solve this problem by having the option 'block this and all associated accounts'.

I feel like it could be considered dangerous for some people. For someone who faces harassment regularly, taking away the option to block people means making them choose between a) dealing with constant online harassment, or b) leaving the only online community you know. At the very least, this change will be severely detrimental to some folks' mental health, while providing absolutely no benefit to anyone.

It could also be a public safety risk because twitter is a place where many people get news about natural disasters and severe weather. The people who are forced off of the platform because of this change will lose a valuable aggregate of information, and when it gets removed from app stores for violating their TOS (they require that social media services allow blocking), even more people will be without that information.

You never saw how many toxic people are over there? Once they brigade on a target they can easily push someone to suicide

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