Trump expected to surrender to Fulton County jail on Thursday or Friday next week to – 724 points –
Trump expected to surrender to Fulton County jail on Thursday or Friday next week | CNN Politics

Former President Donald Trump is expected to surrender himself to the Fulton County jail at the end of next week – on Thursday or Friday, a senior law enforcement official with knowledge of the surrender told CNN.


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What does surrender mean? Will he actually spend any time in a cell?

No. He’ll be arrested, fingerprinted, photographed, and released.

Wait, do I understand correctly that he has to drop in to jail now (to register himself?) and then he's free for another 6 months before the hearings commence?


It’ll probably be years before he’s actually in prison, and then it’ll probably be “house arrest” because secret service doesn’t want to just cut bait.

They really should cut bait. Protecting a traitor is a worse look than the traitor getting shanked in jail

The Mar-a-lago Federal Super-Maximum Security Prison.

Has a nice ring to it.

Eh. I just want him somewhere he can see the world move on and forget about him.

Preferably someplace relatively uncomfortable. Coachroaches. Big ass spiders. Maybe them japanese centipedes…

Yea, but the trial wont start in 6 months. Legal analysts are saying it will be 2-3 years before the trial starts, because the prosecutor is trying all 19 people at once, they each get to make their own motions and requests to delay and all the legal procedural stuff that happens before a trial, but 19 times, and each one has to be heard by the judge and ruled on.

It’s believed his federal cases will be tried and ruled on before the jury is even seated in this Georgia case.

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Well that's disappointing. I understand why this is not the headline. Not click-baity enough.

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