Microsoft Finally Realizes Nobody Wants Its Windows 11 Preinstalled Bloatware to – 1467 points –
Microsoft Finally Realizes Nobody Wants Its Windows 11 Preinstalled Bloatware

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What about one drive and edge?? Last time I had to do updates on the SOs computer I told her I'm switching her to Linux as soon as gaming just gets a little more stable (she plays halo infinite, which sometimes isn't that polished on Linux)

You cant remove edge because half of this nightmare bloat relies on it to function.

So you cant switch to Linux because you rely on a microsoft peoduct?

I admire how Microsoft keeps repeating the same mistakes over and over again. At some point a decade and a half ago everyone was laughing at them for having IE, then already understood as a buggy and insecure piece of crap, running in the windows kernel space, with them explaining (in some lengthy Ars Technica piece) that it was depended upon from everywhere, and that the windows kernel internals were practically a tangled hell.

I suppose they finally got out of their way to remove IE, just in time to establish blink in its place. The king is dead, long live the king, I guess.

Yeah, actually. I play a ton of simulation games, stuff like DCS straight up doesn't work. Alongside my VR headset (mixed reality headset) and I can't afford to buy an index.

You could still use a virtual machine for those games and or functions that you still need. I mean a kernel vm.