Based Tankie Take [Rule] to – 150 points –

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Never truer words. And some of you wanted to let them in by staying federated with Hexbear. It's no good.

I was one of them. I recognize it was a mistake. 🙇‍♀️

Thank you for changing your views, I know how hard that can be.

I wasn't a tankie in my past, I was homophobe among other things.

My views have changed since then and it hurts to think back on those who were hurt by my views. But I try to do better. And that's really all we can do.

We're human, we make mistakes. Our mistakes aren't what define us. It's our response to mistakes (be it our own or others) that define us.

Plus once I got to the root of where that homophobia came from (self hatred, being a victim of abuse, etc) I was able to move past it.

I'll never forget what it felt like to look at myself in the mirror and say aloud, "I'm bisexual."

And over the years confronting those I knew who still held onto those shitty views, and they either changed or I moved on.

Oh, I've never been a tankie. I was saying that I was one of the people that wanted to stay federated with Hexbear and try to make it work. I want to believe in leftist and queer unity, so I tried to turn a blind eye to their takes on Putin, thinking it was only a few bad apples.

But thinking back on it, the days we've been federated I was a lot angrier and jumpier than usual, and it's because of the bad energy they bring. Defederating was for the best.

Maybe it's just a jerboa bug but many of the replies to this comment look like they're replies to someone else and it doesn't look like this comment was edited... Am I going crazy or is it a bug or what?

I've noticed it in Jerboa as well, I'll have to check this thread out in my browser to be sure to see what's going on

I think it happens when the comment that the other comments were replying to gets removed