What we’ve lost: The MySpace war files and the impact of a digital 'Dark Age'

SureIsHandOutside@lemmy.world to Technology@lemmy.world – 327 points –
What we’ve lost: The MySpace war files and the impact of digital 'Dark Age'

Countless firsthand accounts of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan have disappeared across the last decade, and it may speak to larger issues with the historical record in the digital age.


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Instances only collect stuff from communities that have at least one subscriber on their sever.

And it looks like it may only pull new posts and comments and not old archives.

yeah pre-federation stuff would need another more complicated solution

I think it federates it if a user comments.. I think. Not sure.

according to the docs if you search a comment it will federate that comment, its direct ancestors, and the post it was made on. But not all the comments for that post

Ah interesting, didn't know that :)