Microsoft announces Python formulas in Excel... which have to get sent to the cloud to – 110 points –
Announcing Python in Excel: Combining the power of Python and the flexibility of Excel.

Since its inception, Microsoft Excel has changed how people organize, analyze, and visualize their data, providing a basis for decision-making for the flying billionaires heads up in the clouds who don't give a fuck for life offtheline


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And just wait till some random accountant with basic knowledge of python builds out the next "great" critical system that uses this as its underlying technology. IT departments everywhere rejoice!

shudder I'm having VBA flashbacks...

At least that didn't run remotely... But being able to access every file the user can made it a fun playground for hackers who could withstand typing things like Dim i As Integer.

Or using the SQL Server API to access the screen reader and manipulate the server's DVD-ROM drive.

At this point microsoft is actively hurting technological progress all around the world by doing stupid shit like this. I don't see how anyone could actually support stuff like this.

If it fails, they can just say "nObOdY wAnTs tHiS oPeN sOuRcE sTuFf AnYwAy". It is also way more limited than VBA (at least it cannot change your boot sector) as it seems to be confined to spreadsheet cells. A full console with the ability to load .py files would probably be friendlier to power users. Excel formulas get convoluted in that tiny space they show up in, and Python code will need its own separate window for a usable editor.

Excel already makes it easy to create shit that's absolutely unmaintaimable, this will just make that much worse.