You can now use Python in Microsoft Excel to – 78 points –
You can now use Python in Microsoft Excel

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"in the cloud"

Well, the firm I work for won't ever implement it then. Back to pandas, nothing to see here.

Microsoft has been slowly building toward requiring these subscriptions for enterprise for some time now. That is where Windows365 is ultimately going at an enterprise level, management just doesn’t realize it yet or are aware of how powerless they are to stop it.

Because Microsoft should’ve been broken up in the 90s. They definitely need to be broken up now. Same with a number of companies really, but Microsoft has a unique position to really hold enterprise and government by the balls.

It sucks for my company because a lot of our work is fieldwork and done in the bush where we have no Internet connectivity so these features are useless to us.

I'd love to see how that will go over with companies that handle sensitive or legally restricted data.