ERCOT asks Texans to conserve energy for third straight day to – 263 points –
ERCOT asks Texans to conserve energy for third straight day

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Probably all smart thermostats, but for sure at least the Google thermo will offer to enroll your thermo in a rewards kinda program. Will get money (100$/yr for me) for Google to lower your HVAC use during major loads. Also you get a warning before it happens.

A lot of power companies also offer pretty much the same thing, but they can control it. Usually you get a few over rides per year before some penalties.

It's a good idea and should probably be the norm, should probably just fix the grid instead of the bandaid too

I think we should have hourly electricity pricing announced at least a week ahead and smart thermostats should be able to access this pricing info via an API and adjust usage accordingly