Ukraine's supporters waiting for Wagner PMC troops to do literally anything in response to their leaders being publicly murdered. to – 546 points –

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There were many senior leaders on the flight: Prigozhin, Utkin (early founder, commander), Chekalov (economic & security leader), Makaryan, Propustin, Totmin, Matuseev (all various commanders). While this seems super dumb to have all these folks on the same flight at the same time, apparently they were. With this much senior leadership now suddenly gone, the Wagner group may be struggling to get their own house in order before they can take organizational action.

There is even military rules since quite long time that says never ever put two important persons in the same plane in wartime.

I mean even if Putin actually "forgave" them, seeing all of them in one spot just makes 100% sense to go get them all in one go.


This is just a pet theory of mine.

I think the Russian Nazis a dictator trusted with power might have been kind of dumb.

Wow I did not realize Utkin was on that flight. They really got all of them in shot. That flight basically had a sign on it saying “shoot me.”

What an unfortunate accident 😓

Could they have been killed in other locations and the plane crashed to conveniently make a public narrative on how they're no longer alive? The bodies could have been loaded on thvle plane and crashed intentionally for all we know.

Much more complicated than a suitcase bomb. Also if you were the pilot would you fly a bunch of dead guys? How do you think that ends for you?

Hold on, you keep loading those bodies. I need to go to the bathroom. I'll be right back!

There are ways.... Unmanned plane, pilot parachutes out, kamikaze pilot (dying to regain his honor for putin for a wrong done, 'you have stage 4 cancer! you do this, we'll take care of your family'....)

This is the same government where someone brought copies of the sims video game to a “bust of Ukrainian terrorists” to show they captured phones and sims.

I know it feels good to imagine a grand over-arching plan in the world, but most of the time humanity is lucky to hold a bake sale without problems.