Starfield is Bethesda's Least Buggiest Game to Date, Say Sources

nanoUFO@sh.itjust.worksmod to – 233 points –
Starfield is Bethesda's Least Buggiest Game to Date, Say Sources - Insider Gaming

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Man, "15 hours in and not a single bug." I love Bethesda, but I feel like that's an incredibly bold claim to make and that his definition of bug is probably a bit loose. I wish they wouldn't make this big of a hubbub about it and just let the game speak for itself if it's really that solid.

I wanna hear how bug free the game is from those 2,000 hours in one save file weirdos.

Yeah the games solid til about hour..269? Then everyone T-poses and then falls into geometry.

Yeah, maybe the 2,062 cheese wheels I have stored in my house could be bugging things out but I doubt it.

👎 Not recommended

6,940 hours playtime

Bugthesda strikes again!

Think the game is stable? Try teleporting nothing but cheese wheels for three straight days.

"So I killed an entire city, which caused the dead body clean up cell to overfill and explode dead bodies into the void, which first makes it rain dead bodies and then crashes the game."

Yeah true. Why do the talking when you can do the walking.

This actually gives me more concerns than before, which is probably not what they intended.

Exactly. By pointing a big red arrow at the problem they've historically had to the point of memory it just serves to make the skeptics more skeptical and create concern in everybody else since it's just a big "source: trust me, bro".

We'll just have to see.

Honestly I dont think I will care if I see bugs, but if people are going "there arent any bugs" im gonna keep my eyes out for them.

I'm guessing bug free just means their game didn't crash. Or they're just really unobservant.

The funny thing is we kinda expect bugs, not game breaking bugs, but bugs that we understand would be there since people are about to have more than 100 hours of gameplay. With possibly over billion hours of game testing time from consumers. So there will be bugs.