Arkansas drops AP African American Studies course to – 388 points –
Arkansas drops AP African American Studies course

Just 48 hours before the first day of school, the Arkansas Department of Education announced that Advanced Placement African American Studies wouldn't count towards graduation. They said they’re reviewing the course for possible indoctrination.

Republican Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders went on Fox News to explain her administration's decision to de-prioritize AP African American studies.

“We cannot perpetuate a lie to our students, and push this propaganda leftist agenda, teaching our kids to hate America, and hate one another," she said.

Sanders has not pointed to anything specific in the AP African American Studies curriculum. The Arkansas Department of Education notified teachers that they’d deleted the course code for AP African American Studies. That means students can’t get graduation credit for taking it.


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????? I must be drunk. What is hateful about history and cultural studies? Asking as an undergrad of said studies, including African American Studies.

You're not drunk, she's just lying. Remember when she was the White House press secretary and lying was literally her job? She hasn't changed much.

They claim it causes racial tensions and makes white kids feel bad. Just more nanny state BS from the party of small government.

You're not confused. They are.

Except insofar as - how the fuck is anyone reasonable still surprised by this? Where have you been?