Trump drops 6 points in post-debate GOP poll to politics – 531 points –
Trump drops 6 points in post-debate GOP poll

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Just gonna leave this here

You're right, more people should be armed so they don't even need the states to have rights.

Funny thing is, liberals are getting armed. I am a die hard liberal, and we have several guns in the house.

We are not all going to get shot like that lady with the rainbow flag in her shop... I mean, we'll probably get shot anyway, but at least we could fight back. And who knows, maybe just seeing that we are armed will dissuade the POSs that want to try.

I love that, honestly. I have lots of liberal friends, and I encourage firearm ownership among them.

What are the benefits of owning a fireman? Does it impact your home insurance rates or likelihood of total loss in case of a fire?

No and no. I own the firearm because I like to shoot and I want to have a firearm. I don't need a better reason to have it, in my opinion.

I was just making a joke about your pre-edit typo of "fireman" :).

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