Final Fantasy XVI Suffers From Its Superficial Handling Of Slavery to – 50 points –

In Square Enix's latest epic RPG, the moral monstrosity of slavery is effectively reduced to window dressing


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Do we have to make everything political now? Can't we just enjoy the game?

Art is “political.” It’s not being “made political” if the game brings up a heavy topic and then blinks. The game made itself “political” by making slavery an element of the world.

I don't know how a Final Fantasy game of all things is not going to be political. I don't think I have played a single one that wasn't profoundly political. They are always dealing with war, oppression, exploitation, power struggles and often use metaphors for other issues.

The beloved Final Fantasy 7 is blatant with its environmentalist and anti-corporate themes. All the Ivalice games (FF12, FFT and Vagrant Story) pretty much breathe politics, and while I didn't go too far into Final Fantasy 14, that also seemed pretty political.

I've not played enough of the other FF games since 7 to say with certainty, but FF7,12,14, and 15 were extremely explicit political dramas. That was their entire plots

Your presence here on Lemmy is political

Judging by the replies: yes and no, respectively. No fun allowed, there's offense to be taken!

If you don't want to engage with political issues, don't bring up political topics. Using oppression for flavor text instead of confronting it as a major issue in your story is tacky. Star Wars suffers from the same problem.