Baldur’s Gate 3 had to be scaled back for the Series S, but the console still has a right to exist to – 109 points –

It'll be the cheapest place, by an absurd margin, to play Baldur's Gate 3.


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Article is well written, and I agree with most of it actually.

Microsoft did the right thing by softening their stance on system parity. Insisting on it would have hurt the Xbox further along the line, but now devs know they can still release on Xbox if they can’t get one or two features to run on the S.

I didn't know it wasn't on Xbox, that's GOTTA be hurtin em. I'm sure they'll learn from this and make whatever exceptions need to be made far earlier next time.

If I'm not mistaken the only reason it's not already on Xbox is because Microsoft insisted it needs to have shared screen on all models, which proved to be problematic and eventually impossible on S, but they refused to release it on X in the meantime.

Basically it's very much Microsoft's own doing.

We don't know that it's impossible on the S. It may yet happen sometime after launch.

Oh I see, I thought the dev team had pretty much given up on it.

They’re still trying to get it to work and are working with Microsoft engineers, from the last I heard.

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It’s not in PS5 yet either. Doesn’t come out for another week.

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It's already been hurting them a lot it sounds like. I don't think Baldur's Gate is the first game to not release on Xbox because they couldn't achieve system parity with the S. If they've really softened on it, then that's a good idea. Better late than never.

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Yeah feature parity made sense in the beginning so the S didn't get left behind but at this point its place feels secure to me. It's the cheap option. I think most gamers understand that and accept the trade-offs that are inherent in that choice.

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