As Teens Take to E-Bikes, Parents Ask: Is This Freedom or Danger? to – 107 points –
As Teens Take to E-Bikes, Parents Ask: Is This Freedom or Danger?

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Since North America is poorly designed, it isn't a good thing. If North America was better designed then biking and walking would be safer. #NotJustBikes

Even better is that you wouldn't need an e-bike either, as frankly the high speed ones are incredibly dangerous especially when there's good infrastructure for bicycling.

Sure, they're incredibly dangerous. But they're still way less dangerous than cars. I'd rather be complaining about ebikes injuring people than the countless deaths caused by motor vehicles.

Ebikes will need some regulation to limit speeds, of course.

I'm lucky to live in a country where e-bikes and electric scooters and such are a bigger talking point than cars.

At that point, wouldn't they be in the road with cars barreling down like they are on a crochrocket?