Young climate activist tells Greenpeace to drop ‘old-fashioned’ anti-nuclear stance to World – 2170 points –
Young climate activist tells Greenpeace to drop ‘old-fashioned’ anti-nuclear stance

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I am a huge fan of nuclear power, but I wouldn't say fearing it is ignorance.

You need to make sure it is regulated, secure, well-engineered, and above all, we need a place to store the waste.

Yet, congress and others, at least in America, have done nothing. We should mainly be powered by nuclear and it is rare for a plant to be built. If done correctly you get safe, clean, power.

But why not skip the expense and nuclear waste and just build up mixed renewable energy instead? It's cheaper and plenty of places have already done it with great success.

Are you talking about wind mills and solar? They won't supply enough power and have other draw backs. Everything has pros and cons.

Nuclear is consistent, safe and affordable. We have been using nuclear power for 50 years with few issues.