Young climate activist tells Greenpeace to drop ‘old-fashioned’ anti-nuclear stance to World – 2170 points –
Young climate activist tells Greenpeace to drop ‘old-fashioned’ anti-nuclear stance

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It’s that they cost so damn much

The cost of continued fossil fuel use is far higher.

rarely profitable

Profit should not be the motivation of preventing our climate disaster from getting worse. If the private sector isn't able to handle it, then the government needs to do so itself.

And besides, the only reason fossil fuels are so competitive is because we are dumping billions of dollars in subsidies for them. Those subsidies should instead go towards things that aren't killing the planet.

Would it be better to dump billions into nuclear power plants that won't come online for a decade at least, or to dump billions into renewables that can be online and reducing emissions in under a year?

We should worldwide be putting trillions into both. Renewables should be first priority, but not all locations have good solar, wind, and battery options.

That's your opinion. I think funding nuclear is just burning money and wasting time we don't have.

That's the exact argument people have been making for 60 years, and look where we are now. Around 80% of the world's energy is still from fossil fuels. Do you want to continue making the same mistakes as the previous generations?