Young climate activist tells Greenpeace to drop ‘old-fashioned’ anti-nuclear stance to World – 2175 points –
Young climate activist tells Greenpeace to drop ‘old-fashioned’ anti-nuclear stance

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I wonder what Greta's take on nuclear is.

The same as the experts she regularly refers to.

So in favour of nuclear as long as we are in the process of switching to renewables.

Which means she opposes what Ia Anstoot is saying. Thunberg does not view nuclear as a renewable in and of itself, and thus, like Greenpeace, she opposes EU Commission’s decision to include nuclear power in its classification system for sustainable finance (link).

Greta is very scientifically minded and rational, unlike how the media likes to portray her. They use the emotional sound bites and almost never show her referring to paper after paper.

I hate it that sometimes women are portrayed like that just because they’re women.

Even if media agencies are not setting out to portray someone like a caraciture they can not help it. That is just how the media is organized nowadays. If Greta shouts something angry in a microphone and they have 7 seconds for a segment about her, then they will use that outburst.