The Trump Proceedings WILL Be Televised and Streamed Live on YouTube, Judge Rules in Georgia

Flying to politics – 1618 points –
The Trump Proceedings WILL Be Televised and Streamed Live on YouTube, Judge Rules in Georgia

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I was alive for the Columbia explosion, 9/11, the Challenger explosion, and Reagan's attempted assassination. I saw them all as highlight reels on TV hours after the facts. I saw OJ's glove escapade on the evening news. I expect there to be a Trump trial moment like that, but I don't need to see it live, and I definitely don't need to sit through hour after hour of courtroom procedure waiting to see that one moment.

I'm glad the trial will be recorded for posterity. That seems like the best way to answer claims of shenanigans in any trial. Actually watching the trial, all the way through, seems a little too much like watching Nascar hoping to see a big crash.

seems a little too much like watching Nascar hoping to see a big crash.

NASCAR is not just about watching cars going around in a circle waiting for a crash.

It's "a day at the beach" for those who don't have an ocean nearby. Tailgate parties and beautiful people dressed for the occasion. A reason to relax and enjoy.

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