The Trump Proceedings WILL Be Televised and Streamed Live on YouTube, Judge Rules in Georgia

Flying to politics – 1618 points –
The Trump Proceedings WILL Be Televised and Streamed Live on YouTube, Judge Rules in Georgia

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but this isnt about his base. I have written them off long ago. this is about the rest of the country. galvanizing them into understanding the seriousness of what this two-bit used car salesman huskster tried (and continues trying) to do to this country is the point.

republicans can not win power with their base alone. this was never about them.

As I replied to another person above, if you think my message was about votes and elections then you've misunderstood. This is quite literally a trial about an attempted overthrow of an election, their disdain for democracy is clear as day. The extent of that disdain, and what his base might be willing to do to get him in power regardless is exactly what I am trying to get people not to underestimate. Also, it might be a sobering thought to consider how many cops and soldiers are part of his base.

edit: a couple words I missed

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