Anonymous Sudan hacks X to put pressure on Elon Musk over Starlink to – 89 points –

Prolific hackers accused of being a front for Russian cyber-operation shares counter evidence with the BBC.


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Oh up yours, with your clickbait title. A DDOS is not a hack.

To equate it to something everyone can understand:

A true hack would be like someone actually breaking into your house. Maybe they kicked the door in. Maybe they used the backdoor you left unlocked. Either way, they are in your house.

A DDOS is like a group of teenagers knocking on your doors and windows at 3am just to piss you off.

DDOSing and asking for starlink so that they can DDOS harder

Maybe the title is a ruse to finally grab that notorious 4 Chins Hacker.

Yell at the BBC, my dude.

I could, but I don't think they're going to edit your post. They're responsible for their headline, you are responsible for yours.

He didn’t editorialize, though?? We shouldn’t encourage people to interpret the news before sharing it

Dude, the common practice is to use the exactly same title as the headline of the article.

A lot of communities even have rules specifically saying you have to use the same title as the article, too.

Many of the news-related communities I’m in have rules saying the title must much the headline. I’m not about to go memorizing which community has which rules so I can edit headlines on some posts in some communities because the wording might trigger the occasional pedant.

Tbf, that is the title of the article.

Edit: and honestly, an attack would be a form of hacking. Gaining unauthorized access is not the be-all end-all of hacking. Granted, I would admit this is likely meant to garner clicks, but I would also argue it's technically true.