France invests $1.5 billion for the 2024 Olympics in its effort to Clean up The Seine River in Paris for Aquatic Events and to Provide Residents with Areas to safely Swim in. to World – 116 points –

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Some women do because it’s considered Mustahab, they do it out of a desire to get extra credit from God. Others do it because they want a sense of privacy, as in they only show their face to their family.

It’s sometimes hard for non-Muslims to grasp but they want to be judged based on their ideas and speech and not by their looks. A lot of western society won’t take women seriously if they don’t put makeup on or dress a certain way, and this is pushing back on that mindset.

Women are taught since childhood that if they don't cover themselves they will go to hell (basically), so when people say "they are not forced, they do it because they want", its because they are taught if they dont do it, they are going to be punished.

You wouldn't send a kid in a bikini and makeup to school, right? So why is the other option not wrong too?

Again that’s not true. Go talk to some Muslims before you just repeat false stereotypes.

And even if that were true that people do things for their religion, why is it your business? Are you going to force us to eat pork, like some French far right extremists are calling for?

Im going to force you to accept homosexuality, yes.

Is that what this has been about in your mind? We can’t freely wear what we want because you want to force your politics on others?

Politics? I dont want to be beaten up or killed on the streets because in holding hands with my partner.

You calling it politics shows what you really think about homosexuality.

Glad of the decision of France and hope more west European countries follow them.

You’re being needlessly hyperbolic. You can hold hands with men in literally any and every Muslim country out there. It’s absolutely normal. But it’s quite telling how the false stereotypes in your mind work.

Sexuality is your hot button issue and religious freedom is mine. You’re demanding your opinion be respected while insulting mine. You’re fine with trying to force others to agree with you while I’m merely for letting people be free to wear what they want. Somehow you view that as a threat? Wearing longsleeves leads to homophobia in your crazy mind. France is only hurting itself and causing more conflict, you need to learn French history better to see how badly this will end.

A lot of Muslim countries have death penalty on homosexual, what are you even talking about?

Im not insulting you in any way. Dont compare the lgbt community to your religion. We are really fighting for freedom. You are fighting for women opression and punishment of homosexuality. Period.

A ton of countries have laws against homosexuality still on the books, i even lived in a Christian country that still jails for homosexual acts today, that’s not specific to Muslim ones. That still doesn’t invalidate my point that you can hold hands in public in Muslim communities and literally nobody cares. The only punishment is for open public sex acts in the presence of witnesses (also a crime in New York City), which is still better than Uganda or Jamaica lynching rumored gays. Stop singling out Muslims when American Muslims are statistically more likely to support LGBT rights than American Christians. I’m not your enemy despite all the misplaced ignorant hate you’re spewing here.

You’re being continuously insulting by first making this about you (French people can’t have religious freedom because people in OTHER countries behave in a way you hate) and ignoring everything I say just so you can talk past me and repeat your false and hateful stereotypes. Even the gay Muslims I know don’t approve of your idea to ban individual religious freedom. Grow up and peace.

Everytime i wear a rainbow object on me I got looks and insults from mid east guys. Just yesterday I was wearing a hat with a rainbow flag minding my own business and three men in three different ocassions called me homophobic slurs and kept looking at me with hate, and other mid east men stared at me as if I had something on my face, while other people of other races don't give a fuck. It is a lie that Muslims are accepting of homosexuality. Literally no mosque would hang a rainbow flag. During pride parades there are no Muslims to be seen. Right now you are a minority, but if you ever were a majority, im damn sure you are going to fight to remove homosexual rights, just like any outher muslim country. Literally look at the maps and you can see what countries criminalize lgbt people and what countries dont.

Literally there are no LGBT people insulting muslims. We all want peace, but wont have it with you, because you cant accept others not living under your religion.

It’s amazing how comfortable bigots like you can be in generalizing literally Billions of people. (Let alone the fact that you’re unwilling to admit that you were proven wrong about handholding.) There are mosques with rainbow flags, my own mosque gave a sermon on the importance of trans rights, and there’s Muslims at every NYC pride parade, but that doesn’t matter to you since you never bothered to look and would rather insist on your prejudices.

Literally there are no LGBT people insulting Muslims.

Not my experience at all. And there you go again with your stereotyping and prejudices. I’m clearly not getting through to someone as blind as you.

So any comments on the maps I showed or are you going to skip it because it doesnt fit your agenda?

Literally there are no LGBT people insulting Muslims.

Not my experience at all.

Yeah, right, we LGBT love to attack muslims /s. Go tell your dream stories to other people.

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