Lies of P will be released on Mac as part of the game's official launch on September 19 to – 96 points –
Lies of P will be released on Mac as part of the game's official launch on September 19

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Native Linux support > Proton

If the performance is the same it's not going to matter. Is native ideal? Yes, but if it runs perfectly on proton and at performance parity with Windows, it doesn't matter. Proton was a massive "fuck you" to Microsoft. It removes the Windows requirement without creating any negatives.

Proton isn't performance parity with windows. I know this for a fact. I honestly don't know why linux fanboys act like linux has zero issues. I use linux daily over windows, but I wish the linux community will stop with this endless linux circle jerk.

I daily drive Linux every damn day and I've had multiple scenarios where Linux runs better than Windows. Guild wars 2, elden Ring, TF2, csgo, dota2 running vulkan. I would never go back to Windows...and it is problem free, running AMD hardware and I've never messed with drivers ever, and installing games is as easy as clicking install. How is that so fucking hard to accept?

The performance is not the same. Games will always run slightly worse on Proton. Pretending there are no negatives is just crazy.

I love Proton as much as the next guy, but it's no replacement for natively supported games.

It's nearly the same if not better in damn near every game I've played...guild wars 2 for instance had a 10-20 fps increase in certain areas on my Linux install over my Windows 11 install. It happens, I know it's hard for you to accept, but I daily drive endeavourOS and I would never go back to Windows and miss out on so many options to play my games better than I could on Windows.

Think about it like this: if you we're to sit down and port a Windows game to Linux manually, what would you have to do?

  1. You would need to translate the Windows API calls to something Linux understand. That's what WINE does.
  2. If the game runs a Microsoft proprietary rendering engine, you would need add Vulkan support. That's what DXVK/VKD3D do.
  3. You would need to convert any FMVs that use proprietary codecs to open formats. That's what Proton's transcoding feature does.
  4. You will need to provide a shader cache to the user. That's what fossilize does.

So Proton is doing all of these things that you have to do when you port the game anyway. Why spend the money and resources to do something that Proton does for free? If Proton is in any way insufficient to run your game well, it's open source. You can submit merge requests to Proton yourself if you really care about Linux performance.

It's not about Proton versus Native. It's Vulkan versus DirectX. Games that optimize for Vulkan have zero overhead on Linux, and that's what devs should strive for.

I never said otherwise. But it is the direction Valve decided for Linux

Disagree unless the game can be compiled from source. because most games are targeted for a specific Ubuntu lts version.. try to symlink obscure libs hoping it doesn't crash meanwhile winapi is stable and wine/proton is way easier to manage.