People Are Increasingly Worried AI Will Make Daily Life Worse

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People Are Increasingly Worried AI Will Make Daily Life Worse

People Are Increasingly Worried AI Will Make Daily Life Worse::A Pew survey finds that a majority of Americans are more concerned than excited about the impact of artificial intelligence—adding weight to calls for more regulation.


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AI is making my life way easier and better so far.

So easy that your employers will no longer need you in a year or two.

I actually see it the other way around. We will not need the employers. I used to be an employee and now I am independent and doing the work that would normally require a team of people and big money backing it all up. I think this is going to become more and more apparent as time goes on as while yes, AI will benefit corporations, it also equally benefit individuals. Corporations are the ones who are most in trouble. Cute that they think they are going to be the winners here.

Independent work means no union and no health insurance. It also means you don't get things like overtime or sick pay.

No thank you.

I have been independent for a long time and pay for all my own benefits and 100% control them versus discovering the reality that your employer has trimmed it over the years. I do not know your situation, but I urge you to start your own thing on the side as the corporate world and its employees is a thing of the former industrial age and. not the one we are heading into. Whatever your passion is, invest time in it and see where it goes.

Yup so far. It's the beginning of the curve now when everything is new and awesome.

Enjoy it while it lasts.

Said the same above but will share here too. I actually see that curve another way. We will not need the employers. I used to be an employee and now I am independent and doing the work that would normally require a team of people and big money backing it all up. I think this is going to become more and more apparent as time goes on as while yes, AI will benefit corporations, it also equally benefit individuals. Corporations are the ones who are most in trouble. Cute that they think they are going to be the winners here.

I've been a contractor too so I know what you mean. But most people are not and don't want to be. It's more risky and most people just want safety.

I agree but we really need to encourage those who think they are in a safe employee job that they are not safe and that they need to start investing in themselves. Something on the side to start, but something. Anything. Even if it fails as you still learn something. The age of employees is coming to an end and the more energy you put into holding on to that is less energy in adapting to the new world emerging. Follow a passion and develop new skills. You can love your work.

I have the same mindset as you and I agree, but I have almost never managed to convince someone else to go into contracting. They don't want to risk that sweet stable income. :)

Also some of them buy into the entire thing with colleagues being their friends etc etc.

Some of them prioritize family in front of work and want their jobs to be as easy as possible so they can focus on their families instead.

But yes, to me being an employee is the worst form of employment. You usually don't learn much after the initial year, and you get lazy and stop learning. Your skills are therefore not growing anymore. Getting a new job is harder, and you are likely to accept the first offer once you want to switch.

Right. Plus most of not all employers have this attitude that they own you and can abuse and exploit you as you are there for their gain now.

Any examples?

It's insane in an education environment, it makes learning new concepts and skills a lot easier. Depending on the subject, it's like having a teacher with infinite patience.

I can also generate pretty picture now.

I am imagineering a highly detailed VR Theme Park inspired by parks like EPCOT, Disneyland, Universal, Efteling, and worlds fairs. A big part of this is coding and wow…Chat GPT 4 Pro with the code interpreter is saving me a lot of time. My output has speed up 5x over the last month or so. Back in May it would save me time as much as waste with hallucinations, but it has majorly improved with very few hallucinations these days. I can tell it what I want and it will spit out the code nearly perfect every time in seconds. The only down side is it cannot work on my larger scripts yet so I still have to write those myself, but it can help with smaller portions of it which still saves me time. Also it is utterly amazing at reading error logs. You know the massive ones with thousands of lines, most irrelevant. It can zero in on the lines I need to know about so fast that that alone is worth the $20 monthly fee. I am loving it. I cannot wait for it to get better as personally I rather not write any code and my core skill is in imagineering and the overall experience.