Linux clipboard app which has functionality to paste multiple things after copying them in one go.

Ganesh to – 74 points –

Edit: Everything seems too complicated, so I just went with this When you try to copy something, you copy something and then you paste it. This is fine, but I wish there was an app which would help me copy multiple items at different times and seamlessly help me paste it.

i.e., copy two things, press ctrl + v to paste the last thing you copied and press ctrl + shift + v to paste the last second thing you copied and so on.

I am pretty sure there are better ways to do this than what I am asking. So, I would be interested in those ways too.

you can’t only install kclipper that’s the app?


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I've been using CopyQ for a while. I have it bound to SUPER+V.

It would be a hell of a reason to switch DE, but KDE has a clipboard taskbar item. It remembers all your copies (until you clear the list), and you can click on an item to bring it back.

this is a robbery, give me your command and tell me how you bound it :')

I don't know

First I have this systemd user service at ~/.config/systemd/user/copyq.service:



Description=CopyQ, a clipboard manager

Replace the /nix/store/9qni1by8lzjccm5pc4hqpm70f3wllfqg-CopyQ-unstable-2023-04-14/bin/copyq with /usr/bin/copyq or wherever your copyq is installed. Then you probably need to reload the systemd daemon or something, not sure (try systemctl --user daemon-reload and then systemctl --user enable copyq.service and then systemctl --user start copyq.service - you only need to do this once).

This service needs to be running for CopyQ to work. Alternatively use any other way you're familiar with to automatically start copyq server after you log in. Trust me, there's nothing more frustrating then suddenly needing it and realizing you haven't started the server so it doesn't have the content you're looking for.

Afterwards you need to configure your desktop environment to assign a global shortcut for the command copyq menu. For example in Cinnamon it's System Settings -> Keyboard -> Shortcuts -> Add custom shortcut. Then you add the name (e.g. CopyQ), the command (copyq menu) and after pressing Add you assign the shortcut, for example Super+V. This step is different for every desktop environment, but googling "[your DE name] global shortcuts" should help.

If by any chance you have NixOS and Cinnamon, you may configure it like this:

{ config, pkgs, ... }:
  home-manager.users.your-username = { # installs copyq as a user package
    home.packages = with pkgs; [
  dconf.settings = { # this is for creating the global Super+V shortcut
    "org/cinnamon/desktop/keybindings" = {
      "custom-list" = ["__dummy__" "custom0"];
    "org/cinnamon/desktop/keybindings/custom-keybindings/custom0" = {
      binding = ["v"];
      command = "copyq menu";
      name = "CopyQ";
  }; = { # creates the systemd service
    Unit = {
      Description = "CopyQ, a clipboard manager";
      Documentation = [ "man:copyq(5)" ];
      Wants = [ "" ];
      Requires = [ "" ];
      After = [ "" ];

    Service = {
      Type = "simple";
      ExecStart = "${pkgs.copyq}/bin/copyq";
      KillMode = "process";
      KillSignal = "SIGINT";

    Install = {
      WantedBy = [

Doesn't CopyQ have a shortcuts menu in its settings?

Yes, but it didn't work reliably for me. Having the DE handle it should always work.

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Hey, I also used SUPER+v as my key binding for copyq but it never seemed to work just right. It would often not work unless I spammed it and I ended up moving it to Alt+v, which works fine. Have you encountered anything like that?

Nope, but as mentioned in other comment, I'm letting the DE handle the shortcut and it works flawless. I think I read there's some way for CopyQ to react to the shortcut on its own but it never worked for me.

Edit: Here's the other comment for context:

CopyQ is awesome.

This is my workhorse. Everything is automatically copied onto its clipboard, I can search it to find what I want to paste, and I find it very easy to do what OP wants; copy, copy, copy, go somewhere else, paste, paste, paste.

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