Ganesh Venugopal

48 Post – 253 Comments
Joined 11 months ago

I will be back. I know I just created my account, but I have to study and stuff. Good night vietnam

Wrong community. This is for open ended questions and discussion, not for asking for help.

Ohh... I am sorry, will delete it then, any community suggestions for this?

I think it has cloud connectivity and it's gonna require me to login online (if I am not wrong) Feels hard to pirate

They stare and get too close and touch you all the time. I kept having people touch my shoulders and try and touch my face when I was in public or queuing

This is more of a culture thing, I used to do it a lot when I was younger (it's considered friendly)

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Woah dudE!

Reminds me of the starting scene in Lord of War

NOTHING in the history of humankind has ever existed like computer data. A 100% identical copy of videos, pictures, and music can be made almost instantly at what is essentially zero cost to the original holder of the data. Any comparison to “stealing” or to a physical object (a car lol) just falls flat because the situation is just so different.


Nice comment, tq!

Yeah, I need new friends, I am gonna replace my best friend with you.

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I agree, but we have crossed a limit between self-love and self-obsession. It's hindering progress because people in India are not even ready to acknowledge what's wrong with our priorities, culture and way of living and are calling anyone who questions their way of life anti-national. Sometimes, it feels like I am living in Eritrea or something!

Nothing to worry about.

who was worrying 😂 I was having delusions of grandeur.

All kidding aside, thank you for your answer, you most probably are right but there is still a small possibilty that I performed a miracle 😶

interestingly, almost everyone in the comments have been as calm headed and rational as you. There is not one emotionally charged reply which is devoid of real answers. This is pretty good!

culturally they either serve others or expect to be served

Ohh yes, that's a nice observation. I have seen people who would just crumble when they encounter someone they perceive to be of a higher class (not caste), but I have also seen people who are "I own this place guys"

It probably talks a lot abt the socio-economic circumstances of their upbringing. Most including me belong to the people who become servile when they encounter authority/class, I am trying to change that tho.

I hate the servility I see around me, people think so less of themselves and way too highly of the corrupt bureaucrat, I have seen what kind of people this culture creates and it's pretty gloomy!

I know there is innovation but nothing major springs to mind

There is NO INNOVATION. There are no discoveries happening here. R&D budget and the budget for education is peanuts, there isn't much innovation happening in India and the innovation that does happen, happens in handful of universities by students who could not afford to move out to a better country which would fund their research.

You will never find a satisfying answer to this question because there isn’t one and social relationships are not transactional. Acknowledgements are nice, upvotes or comments but no one really expects replies.

thank mate! I will consider this from now on

bigger cut than the artists

that's the shitty part! I don't like that one bit.

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That's what big forum wants you to think

My justification: nobody has stopped me yet🤷

I can sense angry Germans staring at your comment

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The worst part of the story is that they didn't offer you any food. That's just unforgivable :(

and I am Indian. We mak up wards as we goo ;)

edit: I am making fun of my own kind. It's a joke, I am not justifying bad spelling and everything. You know American English and UK English differs sometimes in spelling and pronunciation, I was like, yeah, I can call something Indian English and pronounce Cat as Dog, if for nothing else just to piss people off. Again, we must have a language we all agree on to communicate with and this was just a freaking joke, and I resent for having to explain it.

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100%! I think most people would agree with you there.

nice comment, thank you!

I say do the study directly on humans! Now give me some cocaine ;)

Bitwarden Singlepage Video downloader Forest and many many more! Were you trying to be funny?

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not ideal, you know, I would prefer it if creators had pay links attached to their accounts and you could anonymously send them money. Pirate something, pay the creator some money if you can. I mean, if enough people do it, the corps would be forced to change the game.

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thank you I will give it a go

This might sound funny but I am serious. Thank you for your service. Like, not parallel to marines, but sure as hell you are a force for good :') In a few years, I will share the burden :)

I love Nuclear, what's absolutely stupid about some climate activists is their opposition to it. I mean, it's the cleanest and the least deadly form of energy. Let's hope someday we will reach enough efficiency that fusion energy would be feasible, it's absolutely everything you can wish for and more. Literal free energy! We have it, it has generated energy, but it has generated less energy than we put into it if I am not wrong, would be absolutely stunning if we can increase it's efficiency. This is the dream!

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*Jesus has entered the chat

Yuval Noah Harari covers this more eloquently in his book Sapiens.

time to read it again I think. It is a wonderful book, but I dont remember reading about this particular topic in enough detail. Thank you for your comment

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Also, I am not having as much effect on the environment by eating meat. I eat once or max twice every month. Not every day like some americans (soap opera americans)

Now this makes me mad, I mean, if it was super complex and you had to start from scratch, I can understand someone not doing the work to create it for firefox, but this doesn't make sense :'(

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thank you! that's all I wanted!

Seriously though, I can't use KDE Plasma, just because I want a widget

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perfectly balanced, like all things should be

Don't you use my spell against me potter!

damn, yes another thing I like is the religious music too. I have heard Richard Dawkins say he likes the bible for it's old English poems etc.

not only of Hindus but muslims have some nice songs as well. My muslim friend was laughing after I was humming a quite nice muslim prayer song (Hindi), long ago, but that moment was quite funny.

it doesn't work for me and the devs basically have given up on a very common error.

thank you!

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For us Indies, getting eyeballs on our books is next to impossible anyways, so I already gave up on the idea that writing will ever be more than an expensive hobby.

I am sorry to hear that. If it ended up on pdf drive, then I guess it's either that, enough people want to read it or pdf drive has a bot which is ruthlessly uploading all the books it can find. Have you tried self publishing on kindle? Also, name your books if you want to, it looks like some eyeballs and popularity will do you some good.

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Or another explanation is that

so, no chance I am God? :(

lol, jk. It's not connected to wifi so I guess the second possibility makes more sense.

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If the other person is arguing in good faith
