Reddit users are reporting Christian websites for violating Virginia's new porn identification law, citing vulgar passages in the Bible to – 1685 points –
Reddit users are reporting Christian websites for violating Virginia's new porn identification law, citing vulgar passages in the Bible

As more and more states pass laws targeting "pornographic material" in books and online, they are repeatedly running up against a problem: The Bible has not just a few passages that could be considered indecent


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imho libraries shouldnt have any religious books , if you want to read them either buy it yourself or go to the temple/ mosque / church / synagogue .... and I am writing this as a religious person myself

I actually disagree as an atheist. I'm fine with religious books being in a library as long as all religious texts are relegated to the same area and no single religion is given preferential treatment.

They are a part of our culture and history, whether we want it to be or not.

I disagree.

Libraries contain books people want to read.
People want to read religious books.
Libraries should contain religious books.

Libraries should please the reading needs for as many people as possible.

And I am not religious in the slightest.

Btw libraries are a very useful resource for research.