multiplayer? to Steam – 17 points –

I'm looking into purchasing a steamdeck for my kids. Ican I attach my 2 old Xbox controllers to it, so the kids can play together?

Most multiplayer articles talk about playing with remote players.

Also, should I go for a more expensive version? It seems like I can swap the SSD myself.


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If you want a screen protector, stay away from the 512gb version since you either put a protector with glare ontop of the anti glare screen. Or double down on anti glare which reduces image quality.

Most people should probably buy the 256 gb version and get a large external storage.

Only buy the 64gb version if you are looking to make an internal swap. It's very easy but obviously not for everyone. Some people argue that 64 gb is ok if you buy a 512gb se card or bigger. But shaders cache caches up to most of us. It's a bitch, and storage will fill up even if you have 0 games in internal storage. Especially if you wanna use a basic install of CryoUtilities which I recommend everyone to do.

I have the 64gb version and just a simple micro SD works well. Shader cache hasn't filled it yet but if it does I'll probably just clear it. I'm surprised the shader cache doesn't go aside the game install.

Agree. Guessing you aren't using CryoUtilities for higher vram and such. Mine got full in an instant and it was all I had locally. Dunno what caused it.

Edit: had the same issue over multiple wipes and reinstalls so I just pulled the trigger on new internal storage and everything feels great.

I don't use anything that's non standard. I like to keep my steam deck as a game dev test unit. How hard was the internal storage swap? Did you have to crack open the siding or did it come apart without a plastic shim?

I used a plastic bender-tool thingie that I've bought. I used the same tool to swap earbuds on my headphones a while back which brought new life to my old, worn, but expensive headphones. Actually worth it since it's SO much easier to open stuff.

I followed a youtube video to do the swap. Took me about 2 hours going through it all very slowly. Detaching the battery cord is what took the most time and patience. Just a very slow process where I questioned if I'm even making progress, but it loosened eventually.

Not at all hard to do. Just required a little attention and I watched the whole guide before I got started.

Ah, yeah, if I have to crack it open with some sort of tool like an otter with an oyster then I'll probably never upgrade. I've done that with my laptop a few times but it never feels okay and with my steam deck, any bending of the plastic could result in noticeable differences in the surface of the plastic where I hold it. The MicroSD seems to be fast enough for me anyway.

A lot of retailers claim people are returning with sd cards that stop working after about a year in the Steam Deck. Not sure about the validity but good information to take in notheless.

I've not read that, do you have an article or such so I can learn more about what's happening to the microSDs?

It was just a post by someone claiming to work in retail and they had a lot of people coming in with sd cards about 1 year after Steam Deck release saying they had used it in a Deck. Nothing more to share I'm afraid. Hard to know how true it is but good to know so you can make backups.

Ah, eh, I don't use the micro sd for anything except games. The whole steam deck for me is a handheld device to play steam games and not a desktop or such.

So the same as 98% of users. But losing w/e games you had on there, if not installed directly from Steam, might be a frustrating endeavour. Just wanted to give a heads up. If you didn't really need it, that's ok and a thanks is alright. Have a good day.

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