Reddit faces content quality concerns after its Great Mod Purge to – 1559 points –
Reddit faces content quality concerns after its Great Mod Purge

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there is a difference between racism and prejudice. that comment is prejudiced but not racist. if white was replaced with black then it would be racist, bc there is an inherently power structure in play meant to create more economic and social opportunities for white people.

I really wish more people understood this 😭

I try not to keep up with social norms but this comment really perplexed me. I tend to subscribe to a very literal definition of the term racist.

This comment is inherently degrading to people and their culture based on the colour of their skin. That's racism full stop, creating racism power rankings with thresholds where comments aren't racist if you are disparaging a collectively agreed upon advantaged race doesn't seem like the proper direction to be going if the goal is to stop racially motivated prejudice.

Just to save you some headache, the people arguing racism requires power structures are Marxists, they view everything through class structures, and don't acknowledge that racism can occured at the level of individuals.

Basically you are saying racism by non-white people is not a racism and there is nothing racist in this statement.

I'm not sure if I should mark such absurdity as mere sarcasm.

Bullshit identity politics.

Calling a black landlord a slur because he turfs you and your family out of your let with minimal notice? Racist and directed at power.

Middle class black guy calling child from low income area "white trash"? Racist and directed at the prominent ethnicity.

Learn intersectionality and stop propagating this group bullshit.