“AI took my job, literally”—Gizmodo fires Spanish staff amid switch to AI translator

Flying Squid@lemmy.world to Technology@lemmy.world – 511 points –
“AI took my job, literally”—Gizmodo fires Spanish staff amid switch to AI translator

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Next week's headline will be something like, "Gizmodo readership drops 46% as garbled, incoherent, AI-generated content floods formerly-useful news website."

Yeah. This isn't taking jobs. This is Gizmodo deciding they no longer want a Spanish speaking audience.

More likey it reduces costs and seen as a win, even if there are a few errors from time to time. Translation in Spanish is quite good and easily at the level of only needing minor tweaks and review.

We write Spanish language review copy with a great detail on making it read well to Spanish according to the plain language act have happily become less burdened with the initial translations. These teams review context, legal, etc from multiple government partners and all of our stuff that gets translated is perfectly close to approved quality.

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