This appears every time I try to disable mobile data (Android 13) to Mildly – 117 points –

At least they got rid of the horribly designed all-in-one internet toggle, but this is still a pointless extra click. I have limited mobile data and disabling it helps with battery life. Stop being so pushy, Google!


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Not Google, this has been added by the manufacturer of your phone. Probably they got too many complaints like "I disabled data and now there's no internet" because average users don't read what's on screen

or more accurately users just have no grasp of what things come from. No shortage of times in tech support where I've heard things like "Yes I know the internet is down, I'm not trying to go to the internet I'm trying to go to facebook".

I feel your pain - "Daaaaad! My internet's on but I can't get to YouTube" - but I feel this one's a little less obvious than that. It's not always apparent whether a given feature is stock OS or vendor specific.

My guy, it's part of Stock Android.

I'm not able to reproduce this in my pixel 5, maybe Google removed this as a pixel exclusive feature? Or maybe because I used that adb command to separate the "internet" button in two buttons (WiFi and data)

Very much possible that Google changed it, since the buttons appear to be combined on Pixel devices. LineageOS and multiple other vendors definitely have it.

I'm running Lineage and I have never seem it

That's very strange considering other Lineage users in this thread have seen it.

Yes. I am still using Android 12 though, maybe that has something to do with it.

Yes, the thing occurring on Android 13 will not occur if you're not on Android 13.

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