GameStop Boss Says Disc Drives Should Be Required On Game Consoles to – 283 points –

"It would be great if people had to buy more of the thing," says guy who makes money selling the thing.


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Xbox One announcement (E3 2013): "YOU CAN TAKE MY DISKS FROM MY COLD DEAD HANDS!

Current Year (2023): "Disks are outdated and dead, who needs em anyway?"

Y'all forget way too easily and they are starting to prey upon it.

To be fair, most people are thinking of the reasons of ownership, whereas xbox one was about availability.

The problem is it’s kind of murky now since most discs don’t even contain the game anymore. So yeah you can lend/sell them but you’re still dependent on a digital store. It’s just a license for a digital game in physical form. I say this as a physical media proponent.

I am not pro-digital only but if the discs don’t have the game I’m less inclined to pay extra for what is likely to be the first part of my console to fail.