GameStop Boss Says Disc Drives Should Be Required On Game Consoles to – 283 points –

"It would be great if people had to buy more of the thing," says guy who makes money selling the thing.


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What cryptocoin?

They were selling the idea to Superstonk investment idiots that the "future" of game sales was in NFTs where you would "really own your copy of the game." Which... to anyone who knows how NFTs really work is such a sick fucking joke as to pawn that idea off on to consumers.

Nvm I misread your initial comment as saying they were shutting down their cryptocoin (as in a coin they launched themselves). Seems they’re shutting down the wallet bc it’s the most vulnerable to violating the vague regulations currently in place. They’ve still got the marketplace and recently announced a project called PlayR that looks to be a game streaming platform.

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