Reddit's response about the actions they took against the subreddits (note: r/mildly interesting DID NOT encourage nsfw content and their suspensions and removal have been revoked by a diff admin) to Reddit – 238 points –

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Wasn't usa founded by literal puritans? So it sorta makes sense from a historical/cultural perspective

Ehhh, sort of. Yes, a group of Puritans came over on the Mayflower, but they were about half the passengers. The other half were in it for the money, going to set up shop in the new world for mercantilist purposes. Which explains kind of a lot.

Seems like not a whole lot has changed over these centuries.

Religious fanatics and greedy people took over a huge continent with a lot of resources. Yup, where we are now is a very expected result.

Combined with personalities that were ambitious enough to leave literally everything behind and make a rather perilous trek just for the opportunity to access and potentially exploit those resources.