Porn is harder to access to No Stupid – 183 points –

Why the hell is every app and program out there just being prude bitches and making porn harder to access?


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i support the freedom to consume porn, but i still believe its bad. sorta like alcohol

"consuming porn" sounds more perverse than it actually is somehow

Because it is. Porn does weird shit to your brain.

By that logic we should call it consuming religion instead of practicing it. Not saying too much porn doesn't change your brain, but too much religion changes it way more.

So does thinking anyone cares about your opinion on the internet, gives a person a serious case of "holier than thou" syndrome

"Having sex with people is bad" - totally not a conservative incel

strawman argument. having sex with human which you love is obviously way different than watching porn. both can be done in excess, as with anything. the difference is that porn is manufactured to make money off you, to keep you addicted, like a social media. a meaningful relationship is mutually beneficial.

people are entitled to have their own opinions on this, and by all means do what you want when its not affecting anyone else. but much like a drugs, people can become unhealthily addicted. a bit here and their isnt that bad im sure, but when your watching porn every few days, you should ask yourself what youre doing it for, and if youre still in control