Is there a proper way to use several DE's on one distro or is it not advised? to – 92 points –

I have read many conflicting things, like always. Just wondering if there's a safe way to use several DE's on one distro without messing up my damn computer lol I've tried it several times and it always messed things up. I'm currently brand new to fedora workstation 38 too btw. Thanks alot


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Destop Manager (DM).

There a couple of them. Gnome has it's preferred, I'd risk KDE has its own (was never a user of KDE), there is LightDM, etc.

And they tend to dislike eachother

LightDM says it's a Display Manager.

I know that naming is hard but, oh my..., terms are so confusing when you're starting:

  • Desktop Environment
  • Windows Manager
  • Desktop Manager
  • Display Manager
  • Tiling Window Manager
  • Compositing Window Manager

... I'm still not sure which ones are synonyms, sub categories or independent components :/.

Always messed those up but I'm not ashamed.

I've used Linux for about a decade and I still mix them up sometimes if I'm not actively working with them

There are just too many terms, just give enough context and people will understand it regardless tho!