is the ability to raise one eyebrow a thing to born with? to No Stupid – 81 points –



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Personal experience, but I can only raise my left eyebrow on demand. Same with my upper lip. I cannot independently move those parts of the right side of my face no matter how I’ve tried. This has been true from childhood and I had no injuries I’m aware of that could have caused it.

So from my experience, I’d buy that there is a physical, possibly genetic component to whether it’s possible or not.

I also can only raise my left eyebrow, but I learned to do it as a teen. Maybe I just got lucky and found the right nerve to trigger and am now very aware of where it is.

It's my right side upper lip for me.

I'm glad nobody is in the room with me. I've gotta look ridiculous.


Edit: he came into the room just as I hit send on this one :-P

I'm exactly the same. ihad to train myself to even raise my left eyebrow independently, though.